
Here you will find a collection of resources that I have gathered over the years.


We’re proud affiliates for some of these tools, meaning if you click a link for a tool and make a purchase, we earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Our recommendations are based on experience with and knowledge of these companies and their products, and we recommend them because they are  helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions we may receive. Please don’t spend any money on these products unless you believe they will help you achieve your goals.

Recommended Reading

Below are the books I own and highly recommend. All of these author’s  are well known throughout the eLearning community.

What I wish I knew

Recommended Communities

 When you’re just getting started, it’s extremely helpful to have people you can talk to about eLearning. Check out these amazing communities! 

E-Learning Heroes

When I started my Master’s Program in Instructional Design, this was one of best communities I disovered. You do not have to own a licenses to Articulate to be part of the community. All you have to do is sign up to join and you’ll have access to ton’s of valuable information. Great place to network too.

eLearning Designer's Community

This free to join community was created by Tim Slade, whose a legend in the eLearning world. Many many years ago I attended an Articulate workshop and he was one of the presenters. I also in joined his Academy, which is a multi-week cohort program.

Recommended Bloggers

 Put these folks on your must read list.  They are a wealth of information and have in the game a long time. 

the eLearning Coach

Connie Malamed is the creator of this website.  Her podcast and and articles are a great addition to any eLearning designer’s toolbox.

Action  @ Work

Cathy Moore’s blog is followed by more than 15,000 designers. She is known creating the Action Mapping process.

Usable Learning

This blog is by Julie Dirksen, which is the author of one of the books I recommended. She is wonderful at explaining complex ideas in a simple terms.

The Rapid  E-Learning Blog

Tom Kuhlmann is well known in the eLearning  community.  He also works for Articulate and often conducts training webinars and attends conferences.

Recommended Technology

 You don’t need to spend a lot on technology when you’re starting out.  Everyone should be able to find a solution within their budget.  There is no need to break the bank when you’re starting out. 

Logitech C920e

This is one of Logitech’s best affordable cameras in my opinion. These camera’s are great for video conferencing, webinars, and screen recordings.